Chrome River
Soon to be Emburse Enterprise
Chrome River is Andrews University's new expense mangement system, designed to automate and streamline travel and expense reimbursement and PNC Corporate Credit Card expense submissions. This cloud-based application will allow users to capture receipts and submit reports entirely electronically. Approvals for all reports will be routed automatically and users can track the progress of their expense report as it moves through the approval queue. Approvers can review reports remotely through the Chrome River website. Much of Chrome River's functionality is informed by the University's travel and expense policies to make policy compliance and checking easier and more transparent.
We will be updating this site frequently with new information as the need arises and new resources are developed.
These materials below are general use instructions for the application and not specific to AU's customized Chrome River application. Please adjust accordingly with the options you are presented in AU's Chrome River app. The software provides extensive online step-by-step help. This help can be accessed by clicking in the upper right section of your dashboard.
- Quit Start Guide: Video Tutorial or User Manual
- Creating and Submitting an Expense Report: Video Tutorial or User Manual
- Approving Expense Reports: Video Tutorial or User Manual
- Processing Corporate Credit Card Items: User Manual
- Adding Receipt Images: User Manual and CR Snap Phone App
- Assigning Delegates: Video Tutorial
This "Training Map" provides clear, easy to follow steps in the Chrome River learning process. It has helpful links you can click on as you move through the steps.